Kiesel Law LLP Representing Residents in Carson Odor Litigation

Kiesel Law LLP is representing residents of Carson, California, who have been affected by a foul odor emanating from the Dominguez Channel. The Carson smell has been described as a combination of hydrogen sulfide gas and other toxic pollutants. Carson’s poor air quality has caused residents to experience a variety of health problems, including nausea, vomiting, headaches, and respiratory problems.
About the Carson smell and odor litigation
On or around October 3, 2021, residents of Carson began noticing a horrific stench emanating from the Dominguez Channel in the City of Carson. The smell is hydrogen sulfide gas combined with other toxic pollutants which has affected thousands of Carson residents. The highly toxic gasses result from decaying plants and animals in the Dominguez Channel and potentially the remnants of a chemical fire at Jupiter Warehouse.
The intervention has been slow and ineffective, resulting in health-related complaints from residents. As of October 2021, KTLA reported over 2,000 residents have filed complaints regarding the odor. And while most complaints have come from residents of Carson, additional complaints have been filed from residents of Long Beach, Wilmington, Torrance, and Gardenia.
Kiesel Law LLP filed the first individual action and is working closely with other firms and top experts investigating the cause. The lawsuit alleges that the responsible parties for the odor have violated California law by creating a public nuisance and failing to warn residents about the risks of the odor.
Carson residents interested in pursuing litigation have complained of the following symptoms:
- Headaches
- Nausea and vomiting
- Coughing
- Shortness of breath
- Other respiratory issues
Kiesel Law LLP is continuing to file new actions arising from this ongoing incident.
More information about hydrogen sulfide, the cause of the Carson smell and poor air quality
Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is a colorless, flammable, and highly toxic gas with a characteristic rotten egg odor. It is produced naturally by decomposing organic matter, such as sewage, manure, and rotting vegetation. Industrial processes, such as oil and gas production, mining, and wastewater treatment also produce hydrogen sulfide.
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) classifies hydrogen sulfide as highly toxic, even at low concentrations. Exposure to this gas can cause a wide range of health effects.
OSHA has set a permissible exposure limit (PEL) for hydrogen sulfide of 10 parts per million (ppm) as an eight-hour time-weighted average (TWA). This means that no worker should be exposed to more than 10 ppm of hydrogen sulfide for an average of eight hours per day. At this exposure level, symptoms include possible fatigue, loss of appetite, headache, irritability, poor memory, and dizziness.
At higher concentrations, the effects can include conjunctivitis, respiratory tract irritation, and, at levels of 110 ppm and higher, coughing, eye irritation, altered breathing, etc. The lingering presence of hydrogen sulfide has lowered Carson’s air quality, putting residents at risk.
If you are a Carson resident who has suffered harm from the hydrogen sulfide gas in the Dominguez Channel, please contact us at 310-854-4444 for a free evaluation.