Kiesel Law LLP News

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Kiesel Law Appointed to Leadership of the California Social Media Cases

“Kiesel Law Appointed to Leadership of the California Social Media Cases JCCP #5255”

Kiesel Law LLP is taking a leading role in the legal battles concerning the impact of social media on young adults and children. They are helping to lead the charge in the California Judicial Council Coordination Proceeding (JCCP) 5255 litigation against social media companies, representing clients who allege harm from the addictive and dangerous nature of these companies’ products. This leadership position underscores Kiesel Law LLP’s commitment to challenging what they view as irresponsible and outrageous behavior by social media companies, arguing that these platforms have designed products that are inherently addictive and detrimental to the well-being of young vulnerable users. The firm’s involvement in this high-profile litigation reflects its broader mission to protect consumers and hold corporations accountable for negligence, fraud, unfair business practices, and wrongful conduct that adversely affects the public. For those seeking more information about this litigation or needing legal representation related to social media’s impact, Kiesel Law LLP’s experience and proactive stance in these matters make them a pivotal resource.